“Caring about the wellbeing of the planet can sometimes feel like a lonely endeavour, so connection and community are really important.”
Friends of the Dales Creative Campaigner, Esther Abramson
Creative Campaigners is our volunteer network for people aged 20-30 who live locally and are interested in actively and creatively contributing to our environmental campaigns. Through such a close working relationship, we also hope to better understand the viewpoints of younger people and bring more diverse voices to our campaigning work.
Research undertaken by Campaign for National Parks (CNP) indicates that young people who are not involved within their own local National Park or rural community, tend not to stay there − a dissociation that can also lead to disengagement from accessing nature and the countryside. Harriet Gardiner, Senior Communications Officer who attended the launch event on behalf of CNP said:
“It was such a pleasure to meet every single participant and chat about the future of campaigning and the future they’d like to see. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and can’t wait to see the contributions from the cohort.”
Friends of the Dales Creative Campaigners, in addition to receiving planned environmental experiences, will also get the opportunity to contribute to its press and media campaigns, create written and artistic contributions for its quarterly magazine, Yorkshire Dales Review and work alongside its staff and trustees to gain hands on knowledge and experience about how we operate.