Friends of the Dales is a registered charity set up in 1981 which works to protect and enhance the Yorkshire Dales and encourage everyone, from all backgrounds, to value and enjoy this special area. We are the only membership and campaigning charity for the Dales!

Our Work as a Charity
Our campaigning work is driven by our policies which are created by our volunteer Policy & Planning Committee made up of trustees and other experts. We campaign on a wide range of environmental and social issues that affect the biodiversity and landscape of the Dales and the wellbeing of local communities – from transport and housing to renewable energy and wind farms.
Campaigning for the Dales
As an independent charity, free from financial and political affiliations, our aim is to ensure that the government, the National Park Authority and other agencies deliver their promises to care for and improve the Yorkshire Dales for future generations.
Working Together with all the National Park Societies in England and Wales
There are 11 other National Park Societies across England and Wales, campaigning to address the specific threats in their own National Parks. When the threats are of national relevance we work together, in particular with our colleagues at Campaign for National Parks, an independent charity working to protect and strengthen the powers of all National Parks and promote them for the enjoyment of everyone.