Supporting young people aged 20-30 to become Creative Campaigners. By working with young people we can better understand their viewpoints. The programme also provides opportunities for younger people to develop their skills and knowledge of environmental campaigning.
Raising awareness of the devastating impact of single use plastic, especially plastic tree guards. Visit Living Woods for more detail.
Helping roadside verges become wildlife havens by promoting better cutting times. Visit Living Verges for more detail.
Supporting organisations such as Yorkshire Peat Partnership which are re-wetting and restoring the biodiversity of our peatlands, so helping to store more carbon and support cleaner rivers less prone to flooding. Visit Living Waters for more detail.
Lobbying local authorities and Government of the vital importance to residents, visitors, the environment and the economy of a sustainable transport framework for the Dales. We will also continue to promote the success and achievements of DalesBus whose Sunday and Bank Holiday services we partially fund. Visit Living Access for more detail.
Protecting historic, traditional barns, farm buildings, drystone walls and hay meadows through scrutinising planning applications and engaging in consultation and active PR.
Pushing for affordable housing for local people in all our planning application review and consultation activity.
Through our planning advocacy encouraging the use of rail links to take stone out of Dales quarries rather than on the roads to dramatically reduce noise and particle pollution.
Protecting our Yorkshire Dales cultural heritage through our Capturing the Past project.
When Rights of Way are threatened we step up to protect the public’s access to countryside and nature as a fundamental right.