An invitation to organisations to become Community Supporters

People walking in a nature reserve

It is important to us that our Business / Group Membership is as useful as possible to your organisation, to us − and to the Yorkshire Dales, so we have made some exciting changes to it. From 1 April organisations can become Community Supporters, a scheme open to all environmentally minded businesses and ‘not for profits’ to … Read more

Become our new Chair of Trustees

Do you want to help build a sustainable future for the Yorkshire Dales? If so, we are looking for a new Chair of Trustees. This is a high profile, voluntary role that would be ideal for an energetic, environmentally minded individual with strong leadership skills. Our outgoing Chair, Bruce McLeod who is stepping down after … Read more

Sustainable Farming in the Yorkshire Dales

two people in the distance and a film camera

A brand new short documentary by filmmaker, Ruth Garrett of Kittiwake Productions uncovers how farming can support the environment as well as food production. “All we’re doing is turning solar power into summat to eat…” In the film Yorkshire Dales farmer and former Trustee of Friends of the Dales, Anthony Bradley shares a candid and … Read more

Now is the time to leave a lasting legacy for nature

Friends of the Dales and 47 other environmental and recreation organisations have signed a letter prepared by our colleagues at Campaign for National Parks, calling on the Government to accept amendments to the Levelling Up Bill for greater nature protection in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England. This latest call comes … Read more

Access for all

Access to, in and around the Yorkshire Dales for all, no matter where a person lives or their mobility should be available to everyone. Yet, for many reasons, progress in resolving some of physical and cultural barriers that exist continues to be problematic. Our own policy, entitled Countryside Access states that people have a right … Read more

What does the #AttackOnNature mean for the Yorkshire Dales?

The Government’s recent announcement (threat!) to amend or scrap crucial environmental laws protecting the UK’s most vulnerable wildlife and green places affects all of us. If they come to fruition, the removal of such protections will not only directly and adversely affect nature but will potentially strangle plans for improved carbon capture, compromise food security and … Read more

From Peat to Paddling – now online

Our sell out 2022 conference debating the true health of our UK rivers, with a special emphasis on the River Wharfe, is now available to view online. Six dedicated films feature the key highlights and takeaways for each of our guest speakers: Prof Rick Battarbee, Emeritus professor of environmental change at University College London and … Read more