Make More Space for #Nature

Event: Saturday 1 July, 10am – 3.00pm, Addingham

The Yorkshire Dales contains many different types of wildlife habitat, including moorland, hay meadows, woodland, limestone pavement and calcareous grassland. Because of this array of habitats, the Dales has wonderful potential for hosting a wide variety of biodiverse species.

High levels of biodiversity also bring other benefits, such as resilience against climate change. However, in recent decades there has been a huge global decline in biodiversity as a result of human activities. This has been echoed in the Dales, where significant losses of species and habitats has occurred.

So, what can be done?

With several villages and parishes across the Dales now not only embracing nature positive verge cutting, but even going much further with programmes of woodland rehabilitation and regeneration, owl boxes and stream clean ups − we thought a practical, replicable ideas sharing event with a one such progressive village environment group might inspire other villages or parishes to see where they can make more space for nature.

On Saturday 1 July, together with Addingham Environment Group (AEG) and Vice President of Friends of the Dales, Rick Battarbee, Emeritus Professor of environmental change at University College London, we will showcase AEG’s journey from inception to current times, along with information about its aims for the future and successes and challenges along the way. There will also be an opportunity to join one of two guided walks through Addingham village to see the nature positive actions taken to improve and increase habitats, support clean water and increase biodiversity. These will include a review of hedge planting, wildflower and pollinator plantations, pond building, riparian planting, hide building, bog garden creation and Riverfly sampling – all within the village’s housing areas, school and recreation fields and rural fringe.

There will also be an opportunity for ideas sharing and discussion over a complimentary, light lunch (small donations welcome on the day).

Booking essential. To take part in this FREE event please email:

Photo: residents creating a mixed used biodiverse village green on Craven Crescent, Addingham by Rick Battarbee