What does the #AttackOnNature mean for the Yorkshire Dales?

The Government’s recent announcement (threat!) to amend or scrap crucial environmental laws protecting the UK’s most vulnerable wildlife and green places affects all of us. If they come to fruition, the removal of such protections will not only directly and adversely affect nature but will potentially strangle plans for improved carbon capture, compromise food security and … Read more

The National Parks speak with one voice

We were delighted to join an alliance of National Park Societies and campaigning organisations, including Campaign for National Parks (CNP) in a joint Declaration, calling on governments in England and Wales to give Protected Landscapes (National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) their full backing in legislation. The statement was agreed at the National … Read more

Final response by CNP to the Landscapes Review

It’s great to see the Government take on board much of our collective input, as put forward on behalf of all the national park societies by the Campaign for National Parks (CNP) to help shape the recent and long awaited Landscapes Review. But, without legislation to underpin the ambition, the proposals fall short of what … Read more

National Park campaigners call for ban on plastic tree guards as Government considers banning other types of single-use plastic

trees and tree guards

Campaign for National Parks, Friends of the Dales, Friends of the South Downs and nine other National Park Societies have joined forces to call for a ban on plastic tree guards. The campaign coincides with a Defra call for evidence over problematic single-use plastics – which the National Parks campaigners have responded to, highlighting the ongoing issue … Read more